Hello again. Thought it time we update you all on our adventures - even though they are barely started.
We've now both finished work. We won't teach another class for 6 months! It's weird to think that we won't be going back to our respective schools in September, I guess it'll really start to sink in about then that we are making big changes. Mind you if we were going back in September we wouldn't have got such nice presents from our friends at work.
Knowing my fondness for a certain football team my form brought me a huge Norwich flag which they all signed and a Norwich football. We also received many other gifts that will remind us of our work there.
We're now working our way through the summer. I'm keeping busy marking coursework and this week Becky is helping out at our church Summer Kids Club. It means she's dressing up as a pirate for the week!
Things are beginning to fall very smoothly into place. Becky's car was sold with minimal fuss and no need for advertising. Hopefully mine will follow suit in January. Our finances are starting to take shape too. We've set up a bank account that allows for free withdrawals abroad, slightly better than £1.50 every time with our current bank! We are also in the process of setting up a Stewardship Account, which will allow anyone who wishes to support us financially to have the money gift aided. Those of you who would like details about this then just make a comment to this message(we won't publish it) or email us.
Next week we celebrate our second wedding anniversary, which appears to have come round staggeringly fast. It will also see a sad day as we will be giving away our cats. Never thought I'd say that but it's strange what effect 2 little cats can have on you when you live with them for 2 years! Still, they are going to a good home!
That's all for now,