Well this may be our last post from the UK for quite some time!
We finished here in Birmingham last Thursday. We are still here though til this Friday (21/12) as we have more space to do all our packing. So far it just looks like a bomb has gone off! Hopefully it will look like we've had a bit more progress by tomorrow evening as we leave Friday morning!
It has been a good term here which we have enjoyed, but we're also glad to be getting going now! Although the reality of it all is starting to sink in, and is quite scary. We've been really blessed with some great people to train with here at IMC and we will miss them a lot - but hopefully stay in touch.
We will spend about a week with family over Christmas, then we're in Liverpool for a bit over new year and then on the 5th and 6th of January as we have a commissioning service at the Tab (our church in Liverpool) on the 6th.
Then off on the 8th in the evening. When we get there we have 8 weeks language and orientation training before we actually start teaching. We're looking forward to this as it will give us time to acclimatise to a new way of life - but i think we will be itching to get back into the class room by the end of it.
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends and a Happy New Year too. Dan and Becky.