Saturday, 10 December 2011

Good News

A few weeks ago Dan had a meeting at school to discuss how KISC could manage without any new staff next term. It was a month until the end of term and there was no-one in the pipeline for January despite several key teachers leaving. The meeting ended with the conclusion that someone had to come. There just wasn't enough teachers or people qualified in the right areas to cover the teachers leaving. You could say things had got pretty desperate. Hence the topic of our last blog.

Later that day the secondary principal, Libby, an Australian, who has lived in Nepal for nearly 20 years came to see Dan. Her eldest child who has just qualified as a teacher would like to come out for a year to teach at the school (his old school) and would like to bring his girlfriend with him, who would also like to work at the school. Great!

Then a few hours later another couple of emails came in. The girlfriends friend also wanted to come out for a period of time, starting in January and someone else has heard of KISC through Libby's sending organisation and wants to come in January too! Then the next morning Dan arrived at school to find out that the girlfriend's sister had emailed the previous evening to say she would like to come too. 5 people in one day. Fantastic!

At the same time Judith (KISC's CEO) was in America meeting with our recruitment person who is based there and together they went to several recruitment fairs. These went really well and we have had over 20 applicants for people to come to KISC in the future, quite a few considering long term commitments. Since returning from the recruitment fair Judith has also had more classroom teachers applying, interviewed an experienced international school Principal and a couple of our existing staff who we were expecting to leave at the end of the year have told us they are considering staying longer. Amazing!

So God has been amazingly faithful. We have the staff we need for January and lots of people looking for the future. Now all we need is more space.

We have mentioned the need for space before. Now we have enough teachers for every Primary year in August we need another classroom, and we still need open space for the students to run around. A number of people have felt prompted in the past few weeks to pray for more land - through conversations, dreams, prayers... So God has been faithful, and we want to ask him again to be faithful. So if you are someone who prays please join the KISC community, here in Nepal and around the world, as we thank God for his faithfulness and ask him for the provision of some land to become available - and the finances needed to get it!