Monday, 2 September 2013

New Teachers

This week teachers are going back to work across the country as schools begin back. Being teachers we know quite a few and we've been watching many comments on Facebook from them showing different feelings regarding the fresh start. Many teachers will of course be beginning new jobs. Just before we returned to the UK we spoke to some of the new teachers at KISC, who of course started back in August. We asked them why they decided to come teach at KISC.

Here’s what they said.

Debbie Gough
New Zealand - Head of Science Faculty, Biology IGCSE & AS teacher

I came to visit last year and felt at home straight away with the people here. It’s a really nice friendly, warm and inviting atmosphere. The environment is really nice, with the pot plants and the buildings and the way they are maintained is amazing and makes you want to be in this place. Also I like the fact the classes are small with 20 or so students which means you can actually get to know your students quite well during the year and get to build up relationships with them. I also like the fact that KISC has a real focus on actually developing people as individuals as well as the academic focus, which means it’s more holistic.

Suzie Parr
England - Design Technology Teacher and Primary Art, Year 10 Form teacher.

I decided to come to KISC because I heard about it a year ago from a friend who was here. I got excited about what KISC was trying to do both here and across the whole of Nepal. I’m very passionate about creative learning and so I thought it was an opportunity to come and share my knowledge and skills in another country and ultimately because I felt God called me to come here.

Tara Fairty
USA - Year 5 Teacher

The school is how I want to teach, their passion for education and how they want to do student centred learning. Everything is centred on Christ, it’s biblical, it’s not legalistic how they look at the bible, they look at it through grace, they want to love all their students. These are all the qualities that as I was learning to be a teacher, they were the things I wanted to be able to do in a school and I never found any schools [like that]. When I met people from KISC everything they mentioned, everything they talked about was everything I wanted to be in a teacher, so I said I don’t really care where you are, I want to go there.

Luke & Tonya Padgett
Australia - Luke: Maths teacher, Year 11 Form tutor - Tonya: Chemistry teacher, Year 12/13 Form tutor

Luke: I grew up in Nepal and always thought I wanted to come back and then I visited here 3 years ago and caught the vision basically, and decided I wanted to come teach here.

Tonya: I married Luke and it was part of the package!