Thursday, 18 August 2016

Back to School 2016-17

We are just about to complete our second week of the 2016-17 school year. This school years marks our transition out of the preschool years as Mim begins year K (aka reception class).

She has enjoyed her first week at school and seems to be settling in well. This has been made considerably easier by the fact she has known KISC all her life and now finally gets to go there with the rest of us! She also knew 5 of the other 7 classmates before starting.
First day of school

Her class has 5 girls and 3 boys from 5 different nationalities with 3 of the students having dual nationalities!

Sam has begun year 3. His class had 4 new students, mostly boys so they now have 14 boys and 5 girls, one of whom is away at the moment. I think his class represent 6 different countries!

Becky has joined the Academic English Department at KISC this term. She will be working with a mixture of students in years 1, 2 and 6 who don’t have English as their first language. Becky is also hoping to complete the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) course later in the year. This is a 4 week, very intensive course which will give Becky the qualifications she needs to better support her students.

Dan is busy as ever in his role as school director, thoroughly enjoying himself.