Monday, 20 May 2013

The diggers move in

Plans for the Land
If you’ve followed these blogs for a while, or our prayer letters, or heard us talk, you’ll know that one of the biggest frustrations KISC has faced has been lack of space.

We have been praying for 5 years for more space. The facilities we have are great, especially in terms of classrooms, but we’ve constantly lacked play space. We’ve been inventive; the roof of our main teaching building is used as a small sports pitch, squashed 4-a-side football size. We’ve hired other venues; especially for special events or for sports teams training. But ultimately we are squashed. Especially when you consider in August we will top 200 students for the first time in our history.

So it was with great delight that a couple of weeks ago we were able to sign a deal to rent a piece of vacant land right next to the KISC site. This land has been vacant for a while, but for various reasons we have only been able to even discuss renting it in the last few months. The things that have happened to enable this to come about showed this was a real answer to prayer and the students and staff are all very excited. 
Digger gets to work
At the end of last week the diggers moved in to start to clear the remains of the buildings that once stood on the site and level the land. Hopefully by the Autumn it will be a basketball court, a small field/football pitch and parking space that will keep the existing campus clear of bikes. 

Basically, providing space to run!

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