Tuesday, 8 October 2013

On Tour

We have now been back in the UK for just over two months and are a month into our new “normal” life. Sam is enjoying school and making some friends and Dan is getting back into the swing of studying. Mim and I are figuring out what toddler groups there are in Didcot; there are lots to choose from, we just don’t know anyone! I have also been applying for jobs, but nothing to report yet.
We have done a couple of home assignment talks locally, but the travelling starts this weekend. Our dates for the next two months are as follows:

12th  October: Fish and chip supper at Friar Lane and Braunstone, Leicester
13th October: AM - tour of Buckminster Road, Robert Hall and Friar Lane and Braunstone, Leicester during their morning services.
PM – Speaking at Celebration Praise at Stoneygate Baptist Church, Leicester.
27th October: Littleover Baptist Church, Derby
3rd November: Toxteth Tabernacle Baptist Church, Liverpool
10th November: South Ossett Baptist Church, Wakefield
23rd-24th November: Earls Colne Baptist Church, Suffolk

Come along if you are in the area and can make it to any. Be great to see as many of you as possible.

Now we know Dan’s college schedule we have been able to sort out the dates that we are available in the spring. If you would like us to come and speak at your church then you need to fill in the speaker request form on the BMS website (http://www.bmsworldmission.org/partner-with-us/bms-speakers)

The dates we are available are:

7th, 8th, 9th February
21st, 22nd, 23rd February
7th, 8th, 9th March
21st, 22nd, 23rd March

Priority will be given to Church Partners and there maybe some flexibility for those churches if none of these dates are suitable. Just ask BMS.

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