Monday 18 November 2013

Election Day

Public information poster
about the election
Nepal goes to the polls tomorrow (Tuesday 19th November). There has been quite a lot of unrest over the past few days. A National Strike has been in effect for most of the past week which has been violently enforced in places. Buses have been attacked, some while the passengers were still on them which is unusual. It is common in strikes that protesters force the passengers off and then damage the bus as punishment for breaking the strike.

We have also heard rumours today that a curfew is now in place in Kathmandu which we think is due to continue tomorrow making it rather difficult for people to vote.

People need to return to their home towns to vote which is obviously difficult when there is a strike in place for most of the past week, preventing people from moving around the country.

There have been reports of several bombs going off in Kathmandu.

So the elections are meant to go ahead tomorrow and yet many people will not be able to get to the polls or are too scared to try.

Please pray that there will be no more violence tomorrow, that people will be able to vote and that those elected will work for the best interests of Nepal.

1 comment:

linda parker said...

Thanks for this information . will pray for a good and fair election process in as far as it is possible