Photo from Yuchi Kosio on Flickr with CC licence |
this almost exactly the distance from our base here in Oxfordshire to Kathmandu (Google says 4460 if you're interested). Tonight we fly back home to Kathmandu. Our bags are packed and we are ready to go.
During this home assignment we have been all over the UK, from Liverpool, Leeds, and Bradford in the north; Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex in the East; Derby, Nottingham, Birmingham and Leicester in the Midlands; and Wiltshire, Surrey, London and Sussex down south.
We have spent time with family, caught up with friends, including some we hadn't seen for several years and filled many Sundays visiting different churches and sharing of our work in Nepal and the role that KISC is playing in all God is doing there.
We have appreciated seeing everyone we've seen and sorry we didn't quite get to see everyone we wanted to. It is always an encouragement and a blessing to travel around the country and meet up with people who are backing us on our journey. Thank you.
See you in Kathmandu!
Have a safe journey.
Safe journey and God's peace for you all.
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