Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas Stories

Mim as donkey. Second from right.
This week we have seen both Sam and Mim involved in the Christmas story. On Tuesday Mim’s class did a Nativity for their class assembly in front of the primary school. Mim played the part of a donkey and gave a very enthusiastic “Eee-Orrr” when it was her turn. Watching eight 4 & 5 year olds doing a nativity is of course very cute and it was very fun to enjoy for all the school and their parents, of course.

Then on Thursday night KISC had our annual Christmas Carol Service, which this year included a play by the Primary School. The whole Primary school from Year 1-6 (so not Mim’s class), were part of the chorus, but Sam auditioned for, and got the small part of a narrator in the play itself. Our unbiased opinion is that Sam delivered his 3 lines excellently. The play was about the choosing of a star to shine over Bethlehem to light the way for Mary & Joseph as they headed to give birth.
Sam is front left wearing a hat.
The evening, outside, in the cold, with the KISC courtyard lit up with Christmas lights, was a great evening and we enjoyed singing carols in Kathmandu. Another highlight of the evening was an outstanding performance of the song “Noel” by an ensemble group of students. Sam and his friend apparently said it was as good as professionals. We’ve put a video of this song (by professionals) here for you to watch and enjoy as you prepare for Christmas.

Come and see what God has done.

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