Tuesday 8 January 2008

Tonight we fly

Well this is it! After nearly 10 months of waiting the day is finally here. As Neil Hammond from the Divine Comedy put it:

"Tonight we fly
Over the houses, the streets and the trees -
Over the dogs down below;
They'll bark at our shadows
As we float by on the breeze.
Tonight we fly
Over the chimney tops, skylights and slates -
Over the hills and far away!
Tonight we fly
Over the mountains, the beach and the sea
Over the friends that we've known,
And those that we now know
And those who we've yet to meet."

We're all set now, our cases are packed, we had a good nights sleep, with dreams of arriving somewhere new and exotic. We are nervous and excited and many other emotions too. This evening we shall go to the airport with our families and say our final goodbyes.

It's been a great few weeks of seeing lots of friends and family and saying lots of goodbyes. Thanks for all your comments and well wishes. We know we'll be in your thoughts and you shall be in ours. We shall update this again once we arrive and let you know how we are settling in.

Keep in touch we want to hear all your news.


Dan and Becky


katie ayres said...

Hope you had a good journey you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Look forward to hearing your news.

love to you both Katie x x

Anonymous said...

Hello i'm so glad to hear you are both there and well! Here in aber things are going really well- first school placement done and dusted!! loving the course!! other than that rob is in Norway with the navy for a couple of months so it gives me plenty of time to get on with work!! Saw sarah at the weekend (we went for a spa break with anne and lucy) she was really happy and sends her love to both of you! How is the school? are the classes big? take care missing you love annaxx