Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Easter Assembly

Last Friday was the last day of our term at KISC. As has become tradition we ended the term with a whole school Easter Assembly. Every student in the school from the Reception up to the Year 13’s, along with all the staff and several parents came together to celebrate Easter.

Each year our Easter assembly has a theme, in the past these have included “Grace” and “Justice”, but this year the theme was “Why the cross?” Each year group throughout the school, and many of the staff meetings have spent time in the last few weeks considering the question “Why the cross?”.

Then as part of the assembly
(click here for more photos) several year groups got up on stage and performed something to illustrate their thoughts. Year 3 did a song, with of course the obligatory actions, Year 9 wrote their own song which several boys played and the rest of the class sang. Year 8 had an afternoon chat show featuring guests, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate, Simon Peter and a Pharisee. Year 10 and 11 both did short dramas, Year 11’s being a re-enactment of the last supper discussing what Jesus would be doing next, and more importantly why.

So what did they decide? Well after each segment we got a summary, including actions which built on the findings of each class, these were some of the key points:
  • “Why the cross?” “Because he loves us”
  • “Why the cross?” “To set us free”
  • “Why the cross?” “For Justice and forgiveness”

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