Friday, 4 July 2014

The year passed

It is now just over two weeks until we are getting on that plane. We are all getting excited as well as a little apprehensive of the things we have to get done between now and then (packing). But today we saw these videos on Facebook. A great reminder of what we are going back to. If you have a spare few minutes and want to get an idea of what a great school it is, then enjoy, even if it's just a couple of minutes worth.

The first one is the Secondary school, which includes video of the new site, EQUIP and all the staff as this is shown at the end of year Graduation ceremony.

The second video is for the Primary school end of year assembly and includes a picture of Year K (Reception), the group of students Sam will be joining in August.

Hopefully you can see now why we are so excited to go back...

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