It's also a special time as we await the arrival of his little sibling, who is due at the end of August. Next birthday, God willing, we will be a family of four, which sounds like a real grown up family!
Anyway, back to Samuel's birthday. We celebrated with a party with four of Samuel's friends and their parents in our flat. All boys. There was time playing with new toys (two minor meltdowns over who got to ride Sam's new trike), time playing games (one minor meltdown over the fact the music kept stopping in musical bumps), food (no meltdowns, although one refusal to eat) and then cake! (This made everyone very happy).

So year number 2 is complete, and Samuel is now on his way to 3, passing through the terrible two's, becoming a big brother, and hopefully becoming conversant in English and Nepali on the way.
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