Pretty much every house in Nepal comes with an accessible flat
roof. This is where people can hang their washing to dry, access their water tanks and, as the winter
approaches, it is also where more and more people spend their time trying to
keep warm.
We are very fortunate in that we have a nice big roof which
is almost as big as our flat directly below. We are also the only ones who use
it most of the time, so through the winter months the children have enjoyed
cycling (although they are getting a little big for the space now), playing ball games (although it's a long trek down 3 flights to get the ball if it goes over the edge) and drawing
with chalk on the roof.
While supervising the children Dan and I usually spend our
time enjoying the mountain views and people watching. Our building has 3 flats
so our third floor rooftop is one of the tallest in the area so we can
see others around on their roof tops as well as the streets below. We often see
children playing or being bathed in the sun, women combing each other’s hair,
or just folk having a nap in the warm! It’s a great vantage point to watch
Nepali life unfold.
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